What We Do
​Wedded Bliss Foundation (WBF) is a community-based organization helping teens, singles, and couples develop healthy relationships and healthy marriages to improve their lives, better the outcomes for their children, and create stronger communities. Our work was featured on CNN's Black in America 2 in 2009 to rave reviews. Since 2001 we've worked with underserved communities to strengthen families. We've helped couples in the worst conditions of their relationships. We can help you too. Our signature program is Black Marriage Day, celebrated every year in March. Join the fun and get involved. Visit the site for more info. WBF also provides professional training and technical assistance to groups and organizations interested in strengthening marriage in the Black community. Wedded Bliss can be yours and we can show you how. For info on how we can serve you, email info@weddedblissinc.com

Black Marriage Day
Next year we want to flood the internet with videos that show the joy of Black marriage. We know the pain and sorrow but there is also great joy. Between March 20th and March 24th, post your videos, pics, and comments on social media. Let's show the world Marriage Changes Things. #BMD2025 #MarriageChangesThings.

Benefits of Marriage

Benefits for Women
1. More satisfying relationship
2. Emotionally healthier
3. Wealthier
4. Safer from domestic violence, sexual assault, other violent crimes
5. Suicide less likely
6. Decrease risk of drug/alcohol abuse
7. Less likely to contract STI's
8. Less likely to live in poverty
9. Better relationships with children
10. Best place to express sexuality
Benefits for Men
1. Live longer
2. Physically healthier
3. Wealthier
4. Increase the stability of employment
5. Higher wages, more bonuses
6. Emotionally healthier
7. Decrease drug/alcohol abuse
8. Better relationships with children
9. More satisfying sexual relationship
10. Less likely to commit violent crimes

Benefits for Children
1. More likely to attend college
2. Better academically
3. Physically healthier
4. Emotionally healthier
5. Suicide less likely
6. Fewer behavior problems
7. Safer from physical/sexual abuse
8. Drug/ alcohol abuse less likely
9. Juvenile crime less likely
10. Better relationship with parents
Benefits for Communities
1. More physically healthy citizens
2. More emotionally healthy citizens
3. Higher rates of educated citizens
4. Lower domestic violence rates
5. Lower crime statistics
6. Lower teenage pregnancy rates
7. Fewer incidences of juvenile crime 8. Higher rates of homeownership
9. Better schools
10. Higher property values

Harrison and Denise
Wedded Bliss saved our relationship before we could even get to marriage. We were at rock bottom with no place else to go but splitsville. Nisa and Jamil helped us see the light and gave us hope. They helped us achieve wedded bliss. Their classes are for couples in trouble and those who need repair. You don't have to be married to use them.

Abdul Kareem and Rashidah
We attended a session and we learned so much and it was so helpful that we have recommended it to all of our friends.

Steven and Natalie
I didn't want to go to marriage class but Natalie said it would help our marriage. She was right. The classes were fun, the info was beneficial and we are closer than we've ever been. If you are in love and trouble, don't wait. Contact Dr. Nisa Muhammad and get the help you need.